Mirjam Stauffer, Präsidentin Physioswiss / Stefan Bützberger, Präsident SGPMR
Gerd Antes, Freiburg DE
Angela Frotzler, Nottwil / Jörg Krebs, Nottwil
Pascal Ducloux, Genève
Alex Möller, Zürich
Jean-Claude Ferrandez, Avignon (FR)
Jürgen Holm, Bern
Sabrina Grossenbacher-Eggmann, Gewinnerin Forschungspreis physioswiss / Marina Bruderer-Hofstetter, Gewinnerin Forschungspreis 2020
Caterina Pasquale, Zürich / Jan Plock, Zürich
Veronika Schoeb, Lausanne / Sara Keel, Lausanne
Adrian Forster, Zürich
Marc Marechal, Neuchâtel
Barbara Pfenninger, Bern
Ines Unger, Winterthur / Martina Betschart, Winterthur
Gabriele Bühlmann
Oliver Stoller, Zürich
Nicolas Berat, Bernex / Gorki Carmona, Bernex / Christophe Graf, Bernex
Face à l’enjeu que pose le devenir de la réadaptation stationnaire de la personne âgée allant de la prise en charge en EMS à une prise en charge spécialisée sur le modèle de l’adulte actif, la littérature montre une amélioration fonctionnelle suite à une prise en charge gériatrique (Bachmann et al 2010). Pourtant, peu de données existent chez les patients âgés polymorbides. Cette étude vise à évaluer les facteurs prédictifs fonctionnels (gain de mesure d’indépendance fonctionnelle (MIF)) dans une telle population suite à une réadaptation stationnaire pour fracture.
Ont été inclus entre mai et novembre 2019 tout patient âgé de plus de 65 ans et présentant diverses fractures. Les scores de la MIF ont été mesurés à l'admission et à la sortie, permettant de calculer le gain fonctionnel (deltaMIF). L'échelle d'évaluation cumulative des maladies (CIRS), le type de traitement orthopédique et le MMSE ont été recueillis à l'admission. Nous avons comparé le deltaMIF au moyen d’un ttest pairé et effectué une régression linéaire multivariée pour déterminer les facteurs qui l’influencent.
136 patients ont été inclus, 69.9% sont des femmes et l’âge moyen est de 80.9±10.9 ans. Le MMSE moyen est de 21.4±6.4 et la CIRS moyenne de 17.1±5.3. 54.4% (n=74/136) des fractures sont aux membres inférieurs dont 48.6% (n=36/74) ont nécessitées une décharge. Un traitement conservateur a été administré pour 69,1%. Le gain moyen de la MIF est à 14.4±13.7 (p<0 p=0.028)>
Comme attendu, nous constatons un effet bénéfique de la réadaptation stationnaire sur le gain fonctionnel. Sur cet échantillon nous n’avons pas retrouvé de facteurs prédictifs attendus comme les co-morbidités ou l’âge. La durée de séjour, le nombre de thérapies totales et le niveau cognitif influencent favorablement le gain fonctionnel. Ces données confirment l’utilité d’une réadaptation stationnaire spécifique pour les patients âgés polymorbides.
La réadaptation stationnaire apporte un bénéfice au patient d’âge gériatrique polymorbide présentant une fracture.
Zineb Benhissen, Genève / Carmona Gorki, Genève / Chritophe Graf, Genève
By 2050, one in six people in the world is expected to be part of the 65+ age group [1]. After 65 years, one third of people fall at least once a year [2]. After falls, around 5% of people suffer from fracture and are consequently at risk for disability [3]. Moreoever, multimorbidity increase with age [4]. A rehabilitation process is therefore necessary to restore geriatric patient's independence prior to returning home. Specific geriatric intervention showed a potential to improve outcomes related to function, admission to nursing homes, and mortality [5]. However, patients included in these studies are often selected as fit and little is known about predictors in polymorbid patients. Our goal was to determine the predictors of return home in elderly multimorbid inpatients hospitalized in rehabilitation for bone fractures
Inclusion criteria were as follows: patients aged over 65 years with chronic polymorbidities and various orthopaedic fractures in the aftermath of falls, who were hospitalized for geriatric rehabilitation between May and November 2019. Functional Independence Measure (FIM) scores and various functional tests were measured upon admission and at discharge. Cumulative illness rating scale (CIRS), type of treatment and mini-mental state (MMS) were collected at admission. We compared the discharge issue (Home vs. Nursing home institution) and conducted a multivariate logistic regression analysis to determine factors that influence the return to home
In total, 136 eligible patients were hospitalized during the period. Most patients suffered from vertebral and lower limb fractures (70.6%). 75 (55%) returned home, 36 (26%) were transferred for acute medical problem, and 25 (18%) were admitted in nursing home. Patients who returned at home were significantly younger (79 years vs. 86 years; p<0>
Conservative treatment of fractures and FIM scores improvement are significant predictors of return to home, in elderly polymorbid inpatients with fractures. This result contributes to better predict the issue at discharge and better individualize treatment according to patient’s needs
[1] UN. World population ageing 2019
[2] Mulley. Falls in Older People. J R Soc Med 2001
[3] Tomlinson. Holistic Care and Management of the Orthogeriatric Patient. 2018
[4] Yarnall. New horizons in multimorbidity in older adults, Age and Ageing 2017
[5] Bachmann. DARE. 2010
Marina Bruderer-Hofstetter, Winterthur / Thomas Münzer, St.Gallen / Ansgar Felbecker, St.Gallen / Karin Niedermann, Winterthur
Preservation of instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) is crucial for persons with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to participate independently in social life. To date, no recommended treatment is available to reduce the impact of cognitive loss on functioning. We aimed to develop an evidence-informed and individually tailored, multi-component intervention targeting IADL functioning.
We applied a multi-step approach, according to the British Medical Research Council (MRC) guidance to develop the multi-component intervention F.I.T.AL. (Function – Information – Training) therapy for everyday life. The steps included: 1) a systematic review incorporating a network meta-analysis on the effectiveness of the multi-component interventions on functioning, 2) development of a model on factors possibly influencing IADL functioning in persons with MCI, 3) we developed an intervention draft which we elaborated in a patient and public involvement approach, and we implemented the current literature and guidelines to determine the training regimens.
The multi-component intervention F.I.T.AL. includes mainly three components: 1) cognitive training, 2) physical training, and 3) information and support. The intervention will be six months with three sessions per week, with variable settings and formats. It will be individually tailored to the persons’ cognitive and physical capabilities, based on a comprehensive assessment battery.
F.I.T.AL. was designed to target IADL functioning in people with MCI, based on the current evidence and patient and public involvement. However, the next step is to investigate the feasibility and acceptability of the F.I.T.AL. and its potential to improve or stabilize IADL performance in people with MCI need to be estimated in a feasibility trial.
This innovative intervention has the potential to improve or stabilize the functional status of people with MCI, which may be highly relevant for persons with MCI, their caregivers, society, and public health costs. As experts for physical activity and exercise, physiotherapists will play a pertinent role in the execution of F.I.T.AL. The multi-step and multi-professional approach, including patient and public involvement development process of F.I.T.AL. according to the guidance of the MRC may serve as a showcase for the development of additional complex ambulatory rehabilitation interventions in Switzerland.
Helena Luginbuehl, Bern / Corinne Lehmann, Bern / Irene Koenig, Bern / Annette Kuhn, Bern / Reto Buergin, Bern / Lorenz Radlinger, Bern
Even though fast involuntary reflexive pelvic floor muscle (PFM) contractions seem crucial during stress urinary incontinence (SUI) provoking situations the focus of PFM training (PFMT) is on voluntary PFM contractions. Training procedures for involuntary reflexive muscle contractions are widely implemented in rehabilitation and sports but not yet in PFM rehabilitation. Hence, we developed two PFMT protocols, one including standard physiotherapy (PT) and one additionally focusing on involuntary reflexive PFM contractions, including SUI provoking activities such as running or jumps as specific training stimuli. The study aim was to compare the two PT programs regarding their effect on SUI.
This study was designed as a prospective, triple-blind randomized controlled trial (intention to treat) with two PT intervention groups: CON = control group (standard PT), EXP = experimental group (standard PT + involuntary reflexive PFMT). The primary outcome was the International Consultation on Incontinence Modular Questionnaire Urinary Incontinence short form (ICIQ-UIsf). This trial was registered (NCT02318251) and the study protocol published in Trials. Forty-eight women were included per group.
To analyze group differences (CON vs. EXP) and the development over time, mixed effect regression models were used, which allow to account for within-participant correlations by random effects.
The analysis showed that the total score of the primary outcome decreased significantly over time (pre/post) by about 3 points for both groups (EXP: 10.3/7.4; CON: 10.0/7.0), however, did not differ between groups.
This study showed clinically relevant improvements in SUI in both groups. However, there was still moderate SUI present after the intervention. These results are comparable to former PT intervention studies. Future studies should investigate criteria- and individual-oriented and not time-oriented PFMT programs. And, training methods for PFM hypertrophy, intramuscular coordination and (involuntary reflexive) rate of force development, which are comparable to conventional skeletal muscle training, i.e. performed with higher intensities and workout, should be tested.
This study confirms the new approach of applying SUI provoking activities as specific training stimuli of involuntary reflexive PFMT as a feasible and safe approach for SUI treatment. Furthermore, it proved as effective as conventional PFMT and still shows potential for further development i.e. improvement.
Katharina Meyer, Zürich / Dragos Ionescu, Zürich / Christine Meier Zürcher, Zürich
Physiotherapie erfordert in Schweizer Spitälern eine ärztliche Verordnung. Ein verzögerter Therapiebeginn infolge ungenauer Indikationen oder fehlender Verordnungen stellt ein Problem dar. Um eine frühe Behandlung sicherzustellen, sollten Physiotherapeuten mit erweiterten Rollenprofilen durch eigene Indikationsstellung mehr Verantwortung übernehmen. Dies ist in einigen Ländern bereits üblich. Unser Projekt zielt darauf ab, Indikations- und Verordnungsprozesse durch erweiterte Kompetenzen zu optimieren.
Um Probleme zu explorieren, führten wir sechs Fokusgruppeninterviews mit Physiotherapeuten, Pflegenden und Ärzten durch. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen definierten wir einen angepassten Verordnungsprozess und implementierten ihn in zwei Kliniken. Drei Monate vor und nach der Einführung des adaptierten Prozesses führten wir eine Evaluation durch.
Im adaptierten Prozess triagierten Physiotherapeuten Patienten mit definierten Diagnosen nach dem Morgenrapport des ärztlichen Dienstes oder auf KISIM-Datenbasis. Dadurch war keine ärztliche Verordnung notwendig. Um dem rechtlichen Rahmen zu entsprechen, erarbeiteten wir ein schriftliches Agreement zwischen Ärzten und Therapeuten. Patienten mit definierten Diagnosen (z.B. Myokardinfarkt) profitierten vom adaptierten Prozess.
Während fünf Arbeitstagen reduzierte sich die durchschnittliche, zur Organisation der Verordnungen notwendige Zeit für die Ärzteschaft (p=0.001) von 10 [10-20] auf 0 [0-5] Minuten und für Pflegefachpersonen von 10 [5-15]) auf 5 [0-10] Minuten (Median [IQR]) (p=0.02). Die Zahl der Patienten, die bei bestehender Indikation Physiotherapie erhielten, erhöhte sich in der Klinik für Kardiologie signifikant von 49 auf 95 (p=0.005). Der Prozentsatz der Patienten, die keine Physiotherapie erhielten, verringerte sich in der Klinik für Thoraxchirurgie ebenfalls signifikant von 10.6% auf 0.8% (p=0.001).
Mehr Patienten mit Indikation erhielten Physiotherapie. Die Zeiteinsparungen zeigen, dass das Projekt den Prozess der Indikationsstellung und Verordnung signifikant verbresserte. Therapeuten berichteten von positiven Erfahrungen.
Erweiterte Kompetenzen können zu einem früheren Therapiebeginn beitragen und die Zahl nicht behandelter Patienten mit Indikation verringern. Unsere Ergebnisse könnten einen Impuls setzen, um das Rollenprofil der Therapeuten in der Schweiz zu erweitern.
Ekkehard Grünig, Heidelberg / Alison MacKenzie, Glasgow / Andrew Peacock, Glasgow / Christina Eichstaedt, Heidelberg / Nicola Benjamin, Heidelberg / Silvia Ulrich, Zürich / Stéphanie Saxer, Zürich / Maurizio Bussotti, Mailand / Stefano Ghio, Pavia / Lina Gumbiene, Vilnius / Eglė Palevičiūtė, Vilnius / Elena Jurevičienė, Vilnius / Antonio Cittadini, Salerno / Anna Stanziola, Neapel / Alberto Marra, Heidelberg / Gabor Kovacs, Graz / Horst Olschewski, Graz / Joan-Albert Barberà, Barcelona / Isabel Blanco, Barcelona / Martijn Spruit, Horn / Frits Franssen, Horn / Anton Vonk Noordegraaf, Amsterdam / Abílio Reis, Porto / Mário Santos, Porto / Sofia Gonçalves Viamonte, Porto / Heleen Demeyer, Leuven / Marion Delcroix, Leuven / Eduardo Bossone, Neapel / Martin Johnson, Glasgow
This prospective, randomised, controlled, multicentre study aimed to evaluate efficacy and safety of exercise training in patients withpulmonary arterial (PAH) and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH).
For the first time a specialised PAH/CTEPH rehabilitation programme was implemented in eleven centres across ten European countries.
Out of 129 enrolled patients, 116 patients (58 vs. 58 randomised into a training or usual care control group) on disease-targeted medication completed the study (85 female; mean age 53.6±12.5years; mean pulmonary arterial pressure 46.6±15.1mmHg; World Health Organization (WHO) functional class II 53%, III 46%; PAH n=98; CTEPH n=18). Patients of the training group performed a standardised in-hospital rehabilitation with mean duration of 25 days (95% confidence interval (CI) 17 to 33 days), which was continued at home. The primary endpoint, change of 6-minute walking distance, significantly improved by 34.1±8.3m in the training compared to the control group (95% CI, 18 to 51m; p<0 p=0.004), p=0.027) p=0.048)>
This is the first multicentre and so far the largest randomised, controlled study on feasibility, safety and efficacy of exercise training as add-on to medical therapy in PAH and CTEPH. Within this study, a standardised specialised training programme with in-hospital start was successfully established in ten European countries.
First multicentre randomized controlled trial on a specialised PAH/CTEPH rehabilitation programme.
Gorki Carmona, Berne / Alain Lacraz, Genève / Axel Gamulin, Genève / Hala Kutaish, Genève / Alice Bonnefoy, Genève / Stéphane Armand, Genève / Mathieu Assal, Genève
Individuals with a transfemoral amputation may experience limitations in activities of daily living due to reduced mobility and prosthesis-related problems with several hard socket designs. In this context, we proposed a new internal femoral implant that allows for distal weight-bearing. This implant, named MAKAN®, was developed at the University Hospitals of Geneva with improvement of the gait and the use of the prosthetics satisfaction as goals.
To assess change in gait quality, mobility, physical function, pain and satisfaction with use in daily life before-and-after MAKAN® implantation using validated outcome measurement tools.
A 64-year-old man with a left traumatic transfemoral amputation underwent clinical gait analysis (CGA) with a traditional hard socket prosthesis including the ischial tuberosity, and 6 months after MAKAN® implantation. The CGA was performed with shoes and crutches at different walking speeds. Spatio-temporal parameters, including kinematics of the hip, knee and ankle were calculated and compared. In addition, the patient underwent tests, including 6-minutes walk test (6-WT), TUG, Tinetti, and Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB). Patient satisfaction with use of the prosthesis (Satpro) and the level of pain (AVS) were evaluated at each session.
At the second evaluation, CGA was higher on the MAKAN® side (0.64 ± 0.03 m/s vs. 0.56 ± 0.04 m/s). We observed also a better ankle and knee kinematic for the sound side. For the left side, we observed a better angle foot progression and hip kinematic. The step width was lower at second CGA (0.13 ± 0.01m vs. 0.21 ± 0.01m) and the Tinetti test evolved from 22 to 25 points, reflecting a better equilibrium. The 6-WT improved by 45.5 % (165 to 240 m). The SPPB was 2 points improved (7 to 9). TUG was realized in 18 seconds instead of 23 with traditional hard socket. AVS went from 4 to 2: There was no difference with Satpro.
The use of the MAKAN® prosthesis produced improvements for the patient in terms of gait quality, speed and distance of walking, equilibrium, physical function and level of pain. We did not observe any difference concerning patient satisfaction with use of the MAKAN®.
MAKAN® prosthesis represents an alternative to improve gait after transfemoral amputation
Gere Luder, Bern / Marion Meier, Bern / Roger Ernst, Bern / Christine Müller, Grenchen / Peter Bruins, Feldbrunnen
Trotz der hohen Prävalenz von generalisierter Hypermobilität bei muskuloskelettalen Patientinnen sind viele Therapierende mit Diagnose und Behandlung nicht vertraut. Instabile Gelenke, reduzierte körperliche Belastbarkeit und Schmerzen sind die häufigsten Probleme. Da keine kausale Behandlung bekannt ist, hat das langfristige Management eine grosse Bedeutung. Mittels Patientenedukation sollen Betroffene befähigt werden selber effektive Bewältigungsstrategien zu erarbeiten. Zur Unterstützung der Betroffenen wurde eine App für Smartphones entwickelt, welche die Selbstwirksamkeit fördern, die Körperwahrnehmung verbessern und das Bewusstsein für die eigenen Symptome erhöhen soll.
Für die Entwicklung der App wurde die aktuelle Evidenz gesammelt, gesichtet und aufbereitet. Zwei betroffene Frauen und drei erfahrene Therapeutinnen arbeiteten bei der Entwicklung in Zusammenarbeit mit der Firma Skyscraper Software mit. Zur Bewertung der Qualität der App wurde die Mobile App Rating Scale (MARS) verwendet, wobei verschiedene Aspekte auf einer 5-Punkte-Likert-Skala bewertet wurden.
Die kostenlos verfügbare App enthält einen umfangreichen Informationsteil, eine Sammlung von Übungen, sowie eine Journalfunktion zur Erfassung von Aktivität, Wohlbefinden und Schmerzen. Individuelle Übungsprogramme können erstellt und mittels Verlaufsgrafik überprüft werden. Die Bewertung durch neun Frauen mit Hypermobilität (Mittleres Alter 36.7, Bereich 22-52 Jahre) ergab im Mittel 4.3 Punkte. Informationen und Funktion wurden je mit 4.5 bewertet, die Ästhetik mit 4.3 und die Attraktivität mit 4.0. Die qualitativen Rückmeldungen waren sehr positiv, wobei kleinere Anpassungen in Layout und Design gewünscht wurden. Teilweise wurden die hohe Komplexität und der umfangreiche Inhalt als negativ empfunden.
Die App zur Hypermobilität wurde positiv aufgenommen und bietet eine gute Basis für die Unterstützung der Patientinnen. Für den zielgerichteten und individuellen Einsatz ist der Beizug einer Physiotherapeutin zu empfehlen, wobei die App die Physiotherapie ergänzt. Wie gut die App auch mittel- und langfristig funktioniert muss in weiteren Studien geklärt werden.
Die App vermittelt Informationen zur Hypermobilität und unterstützt Patientinnen und Fachpersonen beim Management von Symptomen. Damit kann die App dazu beitragen, dass die Problematik der Hypermobilität mehr Aufmerksamkeit bekommt und Patientinnen mit Beschwerden wegen Hypermobilität im Alltag besser unterstützt werden können.
Angela Blasimann, Bern / Irene König, Bern / Isabel Baert, Antwerpen / Heiner Baur, Bern / Dirk Vissers, Antwerpen
Adequate neuromuscular control of the knee could be one element to prevent secondary injuries after an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. However, it is unclear which measurements should be used to assess neuromuscular control of the knee for a safe return to sports (RTS). The aim of this systematic review was to summarize assessments for neuromuscular control after an ACL injury to decide upon a safe RTS.
This systematic literature review was registered in the international prospective register of systematic reviews PROSPERO (CRD42019122188). The databases MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, SPORTDiscus, Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), and Web of Science were searched from inception until March 2019 including e-mail alerts. Furthermore, a hand search of reference lists of included studies was done. Adults after an ACL injury treated surgically or conservatively and ready for RTS could be included. Further inclusion criteria were assessments for neuromuscular control in the ACL-injured leg compared to the contralateral limb or healthy controls, and measurements during dynamic activities. Two authors independently screened the hits for inclusion following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Risk of bias of included studies was assessed with a modified Downs & Black checklist.
A total of 1351 records were identified. After deduplication, 1116 remaining articles were screened for title and abstract. Seventy-nine articles were fully read and assessed for eligibility. Finally, a total of 37 articles, mainly cross-sectional, case-controlled studies, were included for qualitative analysis and risk of bias assessment.
Most studies provided outcome measures describing neuromuscular activity of lower limb muscles in domains of time, amplitude or activity related to surface electromyography (EMG). The activities were mainly jumping, running or walking. Risk of bias was medium to high due to unclear description of participants and prior interventions, confounding factors and incompletely reported results. Bedeutung Despite a wide range of assessments for neuromuscular control, none was used to decide upon a safe RTS. In the future, studies are needed to assess neuromuscular control in adult ACL patients in addition to clinical measures and physical performance tests to prevent secondary injuries.
Karin Niedermann, Winterthur / Roger Hilfiker, Sierre / Luca Scascighini, Manno / Omega Huber, Winterthur / Felicitas Frank, Baden / Rick Peters, Sirnach / Martina Roffler, Zürich / Susann Bechter, Winterthur / Lara Allet, Sierre / im Namen von IG GLAD-Schweiz, Winterthur
Die internationalen Guidelines empfehlen bei Hüft- und Knie-Arthrose (HK-OA) als erste Wahl Übungen und Edukation, und wenn nötig Gewichtskontrolle. GLA:D (Good Living with osteoArthritis in Danmark) setzt diese Elemente mittels eines strukturierten Programms um und hat seit 2013 in Dänemark über 3000 PhysiotherapeutInnen (PTs) und 40'000 HK-OA Betroffene geschult. In der Schweiz hingegen werden Übungen und Edukation in der klinischen Praxis weder systematisch verordnet noch durchgeführt (Ettlin L et al 2019). Angesichts der Wirksamkeit des GLA:D Programms, des Kostendrucks und der demographischen Entwicklung, braucht es in der Schweiz eine gezielte und systematische Implementierungsaktivität.
Die drei Kernelemente von GLA:D werden seit 2019 systematisch und leicht adaptiert national umgesetzt (=GLA:D-Schweiz): 1) Zertifizieren von PTs für eine einheitliche Umsetzung; 2) Durchführen des GLA:D-Schweiz Programms für HK-OA Betroffene durch die zertifizierten PTs in ihrer Institution; 3 Einzelsitzungen, 14 Gruppensitzungen (2x Edukation, 12x Übungsprogramm), eine Abschlussitzung; 3) Erfassen aller Assessment- und Fragebogen-Daten in einem nationalen Register bei Eintritt, nach Abschluss und nach einem Jahr.
2019 wurden 12 GLA:D Trainer ausgebildet. Sie führten 4 Schulungen in allen drei Sprachregionen durch, total 127 PTs können bereits das GLA:D-Schweiz Programm in 19 Kantonen resp. 94 Standorten anbieten und rund 250 HK-OA Betroffene nahmen schon teil. Von den geschulten PTs sind 83% mit dem GLA:D Schweiz Programm (sehr) zufrieden und 59% kamen mit ihrem Marketing (sehr) gut zurecht. Die Facharztgesellschaften SGAIM, SGR und Swiss Orthopaedics, das Bundesamt für Gesundheit und Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz unterstützen GLA:D Schweiz. Herausforderungen sind Widerstand von ÄrztInnen und PTs, Unsicherheit über Abrechnung als Physiotherapie-Pflichtleistung, keine Infrastruktur in den Praxen für Gruppen und Missverständnisse zu Datenregister als Qualitätssicherung.
Damit sich GLA:D Schweiz weiter etablieren kann, müssen jetzt zielgruppen-spezifische Implementierungsaktivitäten für Zuweisende, PTs und HK-OA Betroffene entwickelt und umgesetzt werden.
GLA:D Schweiz stärkt einerseits den Stellenwert von Übungen und Edukation bei HK-OA und leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag zu Best Practice; andererseits stärkt es die Physiotherapie als kompetente Profession für HK-OA Management, besonders auch durch das Datenregister zur Qualitätssicherung.
Fabienne Keller, Lausanne / Sara Keel, Lausanne / Anja Schmid, Lausanne / Veronika Schoeb, Lausanne
Digital tools add new potentials to physiotherapists’ practices (cf. Button et al., 2018) but their use profoundly alters the organization of physiotherapy consultation and the interaction between its participants (cf Blixt et al., 2019). This contribution is part of a qualitative study in partnership with Medbase, who provides physiotherapists with a mobile health-application (APP) that allows inter alia to create and distribute home exercise programs. Our presentation explores the introduction of the patient to the APP as a new component within physiotherapy and how it generates opportunities for patient participation.
This contribution is based on video recordings of physiotherapy consultations during which the APP was introduced to the patient. The physiotherapist’s concurrent computer screen activities were recorded as well. The video and screen recordings were synchronized and transcribed according to the conventions of multimodal conversation analysis (Mondada, 2018).
The analysis revealed that physiotherapists guide the patients step-by-step through the setup process of the APP. Participants minimize their spatial distance and the patients’ smartphone becomes the focus of interaction. While physiotherapists point at or partially type on its screen and explain APP functions in detail (e.g. self-evaluation exercises, chat, timer), patients initiate questions about home-use (e.g. frequency) or request an opinion regarding the integration of the home program into their daily routine (e.g. what time to set the APP’s reminder).
Digital documentation or devices may hinder communication and collaboration (cf. Schoeb & Hiller, 2018). However, our contribution shows that the setup process of the APP on the patient’s smartphone and its use during physiotherapy consultations, offers opportunities for patients to ask personal questions and invites the participants to explore patients’ specific needs: In relation to the functions of the APP, the execution of the exercises at home or their integration into everyday life.
Introductions of digital tools during physiotherapy consultations can create a closer collaboration between physiotherapists and their patients and allows addressing patients’ needs, which are relevant to their therapy process.
Balz Winteler, Bern / Kai-Uwe Schmitt, Bern
Eine steigende Zahl von Notfallkonsultationen erfordert einen effizienten Einsatz der verfügbaren Ressourcen. Auch am Inselspital, Universitätsspital Bern steigt die Anzahl der Notfallpatienten mit muskuloskelettalen Diagnosen seit 2013 kontinuierlich an.
Der Einsatz von Physiotherapeuten im Notfall ist in verschiedenen Ländern bereits etabliert.
Im Rahmen einer Pilotstudie der Akademie-Praxis-Partnerschaft wurde ein physiotherapeutisches Angebot im Universitären Notfallzentrum (UNZ) des Inselspitals erprobt und evaluiert.
Im Mittelpunkt standen Patienten mit muskuloskelettalen Beschwerden.
Die Pilotstudie wurde quantitativ und qualitativ ausgewertet.
Während der Versuchsdauer von 63 Tagen kam es zu insgesamt 79 Patientenkontakten. Die meisten Patienten, zu denen die Physiotherapie aufgeboten wurde, haben das UNZ wegen initialer Rückenbeschwerden (47 %) aufgesucht. 16 % klagten primär über Nackenbeschwerden. Die ärztliche Indikationsstellung für das Hinzuziehen der Physiotherapie umfasste vor allem Analgesie, Verbesserung der Gelenksfunktion und Mobilisation (manuelle Therapie) sowie physiotherapeutische Beurteilung. Die physiotherapeutischen Interventionen beinhalteten ergänzende Fragen, manuelle Tests, Sicherheitstest, Muskeltests, Probebehandlungen und multimodale Physiotherapie. In 58 % der Fälle wurde keine weiterführende ambulante Physiotherapieverordnung ausgestellt. Ebenfalls wurde bei einer Mehrheit der Patienten (59 %) keine Bildgebung verordnet. Es ergaben sich Hinweise darauf, dass die eingesetzte Schmerzmedikation sowie die Krankschreibung der Patienten reduziert werden konnten. Die meisten Patienten bewerteten den physiotherapeutischen Service als sehr gut (47 %) bis hervorragend (41 %). Auch die Interviews zeichneten ein grundsätzlich positives Bild mit Möglichkeiten der Ausweitung bzw. Optimierung des Angebots.
Im Rahmen einer Pilotstudie wurde ein physiotherapeutisches Angebot im UNZ erprobt; es konnten erste Basisdaten und erste Erfahrungen mit einem solchen Angebot gesammelt werden. Der Fokus auf Patienten mit primär muskuloskelettalen Beschwerden erscheint zweckmässig. Die physiotherapeutischen Interventionen erhöhten gemäss Einschätzung aus dem Pilotversuch die Versorgungs- und Betreuungsqualität.
Der Einsatz von Physiotherapeuten auf Notfallstationen hat Potential, die Versorgungs- und Betreuungsqualität von Patienten zu verbessern.
Slavko Rogan, Bern / Eefje Luijckx, Bern / Jan Taeymans, Bern
Cell metabolism is regulated by complex molecular systems. For example, mechanical overload stimulates muscle mass hypertrophy via complex molecular pathways. The conversion of a mechanical stimulus on the muscle cell into a biochemical intracellular signal, is known as “mechanotransduction”. The latter seems to be a key factor in promoting protein synthesis in muscle cells. The aim of this review was to summarize current definitions of mechanotransduction and mechanobiology used in the scientific literature and to depict the current evidence underpinning how mechanical load can be used in rehabilitation medicine.
A systematic literature search of EMBASE and PubMed was conducted. Two independent reviewers screened titles and abstracts and read all full texts from the included articles. Data extraction was carried out by two independent reviewers.
Mechanobiology transducing physical forces into changes in cell functioning contributes to tissue development, homeostasis, and eventually, disease. Mechanotransduction has been defined as a process in which cells convert mechanical load into a biochemical response. Mechanotherapy describes usage of mechanical forces to promote tissue healing. Mechanotherapies in rehabilitation medicine activate specific biological responses in cells to improve repair mechanisms after tissue damage in humans.
Physiotherapists and physicians utilize intrinsically and extrinsically mechanical stimuli to facilitate responses on molecular, cellular and tissue levels. Cell membrane integrins along with mechanosensitive ion channels and additional mechanoreceptors are involved in the cellular primary transduction pathways.
Mechanical forces such as shear stress, tensile strain or compressive force are important as stimulators in rehabilitation medicine. Mechanical forces will be triggered by soft tissue mobilization/manipulation (e.g. manual therapy, therapeutic massage)), instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (e.g. ultrasound, shockwave, vibration), and active mobilization (e.g. strength training, endurance training) have been described as therapeutic treatments which can trigger mechanotransduction by external stimuli. Internal mechanical load is produced by a physiological reaction during endurance training, strength training or stair climbing, through an increase of heart rate or blood flow.
Jan D. Reinhardt, Nottwil
Environmental barriers experienced by people with disability are associated with reduced function, complications and secondary health conditions as well as mortality. Environmental barriers are thus important intervention targets for rehabilitation. We aimed to investigate the experience of environmental barriers by people with spinal cord injury (SCI) across 22 countries. Specific aims were to describe and compare the prevalence of experienced environmental barriers across countries, and to analyze determinants of environmental barriers at the individual and country level.
12,591 individuals living with SCI in the community participated in this cross-sectional community survey. Environmental barriers were assessed with the Nottwil Environmental Factors Inventory – Short Form (NEFI-SF). Prevalence estimates for experienced barriers in 14 areas are given and compared across settings. Risk factors of experiencing for a greater number environmental barriers at the indivual and country level were analyzed with negative binomial regression.
Most barriers were experienced with regard to accessibility, climate, transportation, finances, and state services. More severe barriers were experienced in lower income settings. On the individual level the number of experienced barriers decreased with age, time since injury, higher vitality and mental health, and self-care ability. Females, those with low income, people with paraplegia, complete lesions, and more health problems reported more barriers. On the country level, less barriers were reported in countries with higher average age, a higher percentage of traumatic SCI, paraplegia, complete lesions, higher average mental health and self-care ability. More barriers were reported in countries with a higher percentage of married persons, lower average household income, higher average time since injury, higher mean vitality scores, and greater income inequality.
Study participants reported a significant number of environmental barriers many of which are modifiable. Within and between country effects of covariates pointed sometimes in different directions suggesting that countries with a different composition of the SCI population also differ in environments.
This study identified environmental barriers as well as risk factors for experiencing barriers which are important intervention targets for rehabilitation and disability policy.
Barbara Jutzi, Bern / Gere Luder, Bern / Isabelle Lehmann, Bern / Lenard Lachenmayer, Bern / Joan Michelis, Bern / Ines Debove, Bern / Julia Muellner, Bern
Personen mit Parkinson (PmP) stürzen häufig und dies mit schweren negativen Folgen und Auswirkungen auf die Lebensqualität. Posturale Beeinträchtigungen sprechen oft nicht auf die medikamentöse Behandlung mit Levodopa an und können durch Tiefe Hirnstimulation (THS) schwerer werden. Einige Studien haben eine erhöhte Sturzprävalenz nach THS aufgezeigt. Details dazu sind jedoch nicht bekannt. Diese Studie untersuchte das Sturzrisiko für Personen mit Parkinson vor und nach THS des Nucleus Subthalamicus (STN-THS).
Bei den PmP, welche die Voraussetzungen für STN-THS erfüllten, wurde das Sturzrisiko mit einem Leistungsbasierten (Mini-BESTest) Messinstrument und einem Fragebogen (ABC Skala) ermittelt. Die Evaluation erfolgte präoperativ, postoperativ und ein Jahr nach der Operation. Median Werte wurden berechnet und mit den jeweiligen Cut-off Werten der Instrumente ermittelt, ob das Sturzrisiko normal oder erhöht ist.
Es wurden 43 PmP, davon 16 Frauen und 27 Männer, in die Studie eingeschlossen. Die PmP waren bei der Baseline Messung zwischen 34 und 74 Jahre alt. Der präoperative Mini-BESTest Median lag bei 21/28, womit 35% ein erhöhtes Sturzrisiko aufwiesen. Nach der Operation betrug er 20/28 und 30% hatten ein erhöhtes Sturzrisiko. Ein Jahr postoperativ war er 23/28 und 33 Prozent der PmP hatten ein erhöhtes Sturzrisiko. Basierend auf der ABC Skala hatten präoperativ 36% ein erhöhtes Sturzrisiko, postoperativ 34% und ein Jahr später 29%. Der Median ABC Skala Wert lag präoperativ bei 78/100, postoperativ bei 83/100 und ein Jahr postoperativ bei 81/100. Es zeigte sich keine signifikante Änderung des Sturzrisikos zwischen den drei Messzeitpunkten.
Das Sturzrisiko und die Sturzangst war zu allen drei Messzeitpunkten nicht erhöht. Gibt es tatsächlich eine erhöhte Sturzprävalenz nach THS, könnte dies auf eine erhöhte Aussetzung am Risiko aufgrund der verbesserten Mobilität hinweisen. Personen mit Parkinson befinden sich nach der Operation möglicherweise in einer neuen und unbekannten Situation mit schnelleren Bewegungen und veränderter Biomechanik aufgrund der reduzierten Rigidität und Bradykinese.
Die Resultate zeigen, dass STN-THS alleine das Sturzrisiko nicht beeinflusst. Eine angepasste Physiotherapie könnte die möglicherweise erhöhte Sturzprävalenz nach STN-THS positiv beeinflussen.
Isabelle Lehmann, Bern / Irène Thaler, Bern / Gere Luder, Bern / Ulrike Damm, Luzern / Charlotte Wälti, Luzern / Saskia Steinheimer, Bern / Martin L. Verra, Bern / René M. Müri, Bern / Thomas Nyffeler, Luzern / Tim Vanbellingen, Luzern / Christian P. Kamm, Luzern
Exercise therapy in people with multiple sclerosis (MS) can improve strength, aerobic capacity, fatigue, balance and manual dexterity. Circuit training has been shown to be an effective exercise intervention in several neurological diseases, though it has been poorly investigated in people with MS. So far, a few small trials reported promising results, but exercise adherence and patient satisfaction have not yet been investigated. As part of a larger randomized controlled trial, this study aimed to investigate the adherence of people with MS to a structured, two-month ambulatory circuit training (MS-Fit) and to determine their overall satisfaction with the program.
People with MS-related disability affecting activities of daily living (ADL) and/or quality of life (QoL) were included. A group of 2-6 participants exercised 2x2 hours/week over 2 months. The circuit training was supervised by experienced physiotherapists in two rehabilitation centres in Switzerland. The program consisted of six workstations, where endurance, strength, flexibility, balance, dexterity and reaction were exercised individually. Physiotherapists adapted quality and intensity of the training sessions according to the individual participants’ performance. Program satisfaction and adherence to exercise were evaluated using a face-validated questionnaire and attendance rate.
55 persons with MS (38 women; mean age 52.8 ±10.6; median Expanded Disability Status Scale 3.5 (min1.0, max7.0)) participated in the MS-fit program. Forty nine people achieved >80% (mean 92.2 ± 7.59) of attendance rate and returned the evaluation questionnaire. Main reasons for drop out were lack of time or travel issues. The program quality was rated as good with an overall median score of 39/50 (range 26-50). Overall program satisfaction was median 9 points (min4, max10) on a Likert scale from 0-10. 95% of participants would recommend the program to others.
The MS-Fit training program seems to be highly appreciated with a high level of attendance. The two-month program was practicable and acceptable. Further research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of the program.
The MS-Fit training program might motivate people with MS that are usually involved in one-to-one therapy settings to exercise in groups. After analysis of the effectiveness of the circuit training with a positive result, implementation and national dispersion might be proposed.
Odile Chevalley, Lausanne / Steven Truijen, Antwerpen / Wim Saeys, Antwerpen / Emmanuelle Opsommer, Lausanne
One to two thirds of patients with stroke are admitted to inpatient rehabilitation. Discharge planning is a key element of rehabilitation. Thus, it is important to recognize the predictive factors for discharge home. Previous systematic reviews showed the value of functional outcome measures. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to identify the predictive socio-environmental factors for discharge home after inpatient rehabilitation in patients with stroke.
We performed a systematic search in seven databases. Two independent reviewers selected studies based on the inclusion criteria for population (patient with stroke), prognostic factors (socio-environmental variables), outcome (discharge home or other facility) and setting (inpatient rehabilitation). The reviewers independently assessed the included studies for methodological quality with the Newcastle Ottawa Scale. We extracted data to estimate pooled odds ratio for cohabitation status (living alone or with others), support at home, marital status (married or not married) and prestroke living arrangement (living at home or in facility).
Forty-one studies were included. There was two case-control studies and 39 cohort studies. The median sample size was 256 participants (interquartile range 835). The mean age of the participants varied in the studies from 60.9 to 80.8 years. Included studies showed fair to good methodological quality with score ranging for 6 to 9 out of a total score of nine. Significant estimates were found for living with others (OR 2.60; 95%CI 1.84-3.68), having support at home (OR 11.48; 95%CI 6.52-20.21), being married (OR 1.97; 95%CI 1.74-2.22) and living at home before stroke (OR 36.9; 95%CI 15.05-90.50).
This review showed that living at home, having available support, living with someone and being married were predictive factors for a return home after inpatient stroke rehabilitation. Including these factors in the clinical process of discharge planning is important.
Next to functional status, support at home is among the strongest predictive factors for discharge home. Health care professional should assess the availability of support, the cohabitation status and marital status at admission of patient for the discharge planning.