Reha Kongresse 2018


'Blue Zones' also in Switzerland

C. Staub1, J. Vanderlinden2, A. Walz1, B. Droth3, C. Frange4 (1Zürich ; 2Leuven BE; 3Kreuzlingen ; 4São Paulo BR)


In various places on earth, known as the 'Blue Zones', there are statistical clusters of extremely old people who are healthy. These include Barbagia region of Sardinia, Ikaria in Greece, Seventh Day Adventists especially living around Loma Linda in California, the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica and the Japanese Okinawa Island.

There are some similarities in the lifestyle of these older people which are known to be healthy: [a] sleep and stress management (Walker, 2017), [b] regular physical activities (WHO, Global recommendations on physical activity for health, 2019), [c] consumer behavior (nutrition and non-smoking; Chopra et al., 2002; Gregor, 2015), and [d] a sound social and physical environment (WHO, Promoting health, 2018).

By harmoniously integrating the aforementioned principles into their everyday life, the inhabitants of these regions suffer less from the usual diseases of civilization and live longer and healthier. There exist organizations in Belgium, Brazil and Switzerland that support patients in implementing a healthy routine and lifestyle.


Such a lifestyle program is well established in Belgium, and in Brazil some physiotherapists implement the concept with their patients. In Switzerland, patients of interprofessional offices in Zurich and in Kreuzlingen are also informed about the evidence based changes in healthy lifestyles. The health improvements are recorded by subjective and objective data relevant to the respective clinical picture.


The medical condition (sleepiness, pain sensation, joint mobility, blood values, mental health) of many patients has improved due to the lifestyle changes. Several successful case studies will be presented and their improvements explained by recent scientific literature.

Discussion et conclusions

The holistic, interdisciplinary approach to lifestyle changes leads to health improvements even in multimorbid elderly patients.

Importance pour la pratique

The lifestyle of the 'Blue Zones' can also be followed in Switzerland.